
Elements of Mechanical Design >> Content Detail

Lecture Notes

Lecture Notes

Special software is required to use some of the files in this section: .mcd, .sldasm, .sldprt, .swj, .wm, .xmcd, .xls, and .zip.

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This page presents lecture slides and supplemental modeling files for a subset of the class sessions. The rest of the lectures slides are not available for copyright reasons.


DF = Prof. Daniel Frey
AS = Ms. Amy Smith

Ses #TopicsInstructorsSupporting Files
L1Course Introduction - Project Ideas (PDF)DF
L2Gears - Basics, Terminology, Involute Curve (PDF)DFGear Model Files: Peg Gears, Spur Gears, Rack Cutting, Gear Train, and Involute Construction (ZIP) (The ZIP file contains: 1 .sldprt file and 4 .wm files.)
L3Gears - Force Transmission, Gear Trains (PDF)DF
L4Gears - Stress Analysis, Life, Reliability, SelectionDF
L5Mechanisms (2D Kinematic Analysis) (PDF)DFHTM Demonstrator (XMCD)
Hexapod Model (ZIP - 2.5 MB) (The ZIP file contains: 4 .sldasm files, 25 .sldprt files, and 1 .swj file.)
L6Mechanisms (Synthesis of 4 Bar Mechanisms) (PDF)DFDump Truck Files: Three Position Synthesis, Kinematics, and Path Generation (ZIP) (The ZIP file contains: 1 .wm file and 2 .xmcd files.)
L7Mechanisms Field Trip to MIT Museum
L8Mechanisms (Forces in 2D Mechanisms) (PDF - 1.0 MB)DFPath Generation - Mathcad (MCD)
Path Generation - Excel (XLS)
Vise Grips Model (WM)
L9Mechanisms (3D Mechanisms) (PDF)DFMathcad® files: HTM about a Point, HTM about a Vector, 3D Leg Mechanism (ZIP) (The ZIP file contains: 3 .mcd files.)
L10Journal Bearings (PDF)DFMcPherson Strut (XMCD - 1.8 MB)
L11Rolling Element Bearings (PDF)AS
L13CamsDF(ZIP) (The ZIP file contains: 3 .xmcd files.)
L14Bolted JointsDF(XMCD)
L16Optics Modeling; Calibration; Machine Error PropagationGuest LecturerAmazon logo Handout: Frey, D. "Error Budgeting." Chapter 10 in Robotics and Automation Handbook. Edited by W. H. C. Bassetti. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2004. ISBN: 9780849318047.
L18Electric Motors (PDF)DF
L23Final Project Clinic
L24Course Summary / Feedback


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