
Architecture Studio: Building in Landscapes >> Content Detail



Selected assignments from the class are presented here.

Assignment List

Assignment 1: "Performance Place: Clues / Sites / References / Sketch Model" (PDF)

Assignment 2: "A Place for the Homeless" (PDF)

Assignment 3: "Individual Place: Research / History on Small Houses. Start Building Site Model. First Design Pass" (PDF)

Assignment 4: "Individual Place: Final Design"

Assignment 5: "Making a Community Place: First Pass with Found Objects and Building Blocks"

Assignment 6: "Making a Community Place: First Design Pass with Sketch Model and Sketch Drawings" (PDF)

Assignment 7: "Making a Community Place: Developed Sketch Model, Drawings of Building and Site"

Assignment 8: "Making a Community Place: Making an Echo / Detail of the Building"

Assignment 9: "Making a Community Place: Revised Design: 1/4 Chunk" (PDF)

Final Assignment: "Making a Community Place: Putting it all Together"


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